
Script to use Chat-GPT at scale

Riddhesh Ganatra

Apr 11, 2023

Script to use Chat-GPT at scale

We wanted to get categories for products just by product name. So instead of training our own AI model we tried chat GPT and are very happy with the results.

The question we asked chat-gpt:

I am creating a search feature for an ecommerce store. Create categories and tags for the product. Also, create a few keywords that users search for products in the category this product belongs to. product: Samsung Galaxy A53 5G

Response from ChatGPT:

Now how do we do this for 1000 products or maybe more?

We will need an API key from open ai and can write a script to get this done.

Go to this page and get the API key:


import { ChatGPTAPI } from 'chatgpt'

async function example() {
const api = new ChatGPTAPI({
apiKey: `PUT api here`

let questions=[`I am creating a search feature for an ecommerce store. Create categories and tags for the product. Also, create a few keywords that users search for products in the category this product belongs to. product: Samsung Galaxy A53 5G`]

for (let index = 0; index < questions.length; index++) {
const question = questions[index];

const res = await api.sendMessage(question)


Above code will get results for all questions in an array and log responses.

We at Code B are a team of Fullstack software developers, passionate and dedicated to growing businesses for clients.

We have experience in Web Applications(Frontend and Backend), Mobile Applications(Native and Hybrid), DevOps (AWS, GCP, Azure, Digital Ocean, and Heroku), Blockchain(Solana), and UI/UX Design(Figma).

Contact us if you need any help with Software.

Script to use Chat-GPT at scale was originally published in GoPenAI on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Automation in google sheet using Apps Script

Riddhesh Ganatra

Mar 25, 2023

Automation in google sheet using Apps Script

Automation in google sheet using Apps Script

We had a requirement to send an SMS to a patient when there is an entry for an appointment for them in google Sheets.

Sample data:

Link for sample sheet:

Google Sheets: Sign-in

Step 1: Add button in google sheet

Insert -> Drawing

Step 2: Create a custom function that can be triggered on click on the button

Extensions -> Apps Script

Step 3: Code to send SMS for appointments

function myFunction() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('appoinments');
// 2 dimentional array for sheets data
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var timeZone = Session.getScriptTimeZone()

for (var i = 1; i < data.length; i++) {

// condition to send message to whome we have not already sent message and first column is not blank
if (data[i][4] != "done" && data[i][0] != "") {
var date = Utilities.formatDate(data[i][2], timeZone, 'dd-MM-yyyy')
var time = Utilities.formatDate(data[i][3], timeZone, 'h:mm a')
var name = data[i][0]
var phonenumber = data[i][1]

Logger.log("date: "+date)
Logger.log("time: "+time)
Logger.log("name: "+ name)
Logger.log("phonenumber: "+phonenumber)

// API to send SMS(Any provider)
// Hit api to send sms
// var url = `Put your sms provider url here`

// var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
// var json = response.getContentText();

// set status to done, so we dont send messages again for same appoinments
sheet.getRange(i + 1, 5).setValue('done')

Step: run and give permissions

Click on Advance on the bottom left :

Click on, go to the untitled project

Click on allow:

We can see logs as expected:

Now we can see the status column set to “done”

Step: Attach the function to button

Click on the button > assign a script > write the name of the function which we just made

Now add new appointments to the sheet and keep the appointment status blank. When we click on send message button, an SMS will be sent and the status will be updated in the sheet.

Share this with anybody you think would benefit from this. Have any suggestions or questions? Feel free to message me on LinkedIn.

We at Code B are a team of Fullstack software developers, passionate and dedicated to growing businesses for clients.

We have experience in Web Applications(Frontend and Backend), Mobile Applications(Native and Hybrid), DevOps (AWS, GCP, Azure, Digital Ocean, and Heroku), Blockchain(Solana), and UI/UX Design(Figma).

Contact us if you need any help with Software.

Tech for Empowering Chingari’s Video Content Creators with Blockchain

Riddhesh Ganatra

Mar 20, 2023

Tech for Empowering Chingari’s Video Content Creators with Blockchain

Chingari’s 50-member tech team formed over a couple of years built the first social media platform that rewards its Content Creators and Users for earning passive income through Crypto.

Gari service and Transaction Sync service are the primary services responsible for blockchain integration.

High-level Architecture for Blockchain integration:

Gari Service’s role is to integrate with blockchain for the following features:

  • Create wallet and wallet management
  • Support internal transactions(App to App)
  • Support external transactions(Exchange to App and vice versa)
  • Give Airdrops and Rewards

Transaction Sync service’s role is to sync Gari service with Blockchain.

High-level Tech stack:

  • Node js (Nest js)
  • Postgres
  • RabbitMQ
  • Kubernetes


As of Feb 2023, below are the stats:

  • Active wallets 24,13,500+
  • 100k+ active daily miners
  • number of transactions per month ~ 15,00,000

Different flows:

Our eventually consistent system is achieved using distributed transactions across multiple services using SQS and Sync service.

Create wallet flow:

“Create wallet” is initiated from Mobile applications by generating keypairs using Solana SDK. Gari service accepts these new keypairs, maps them to a particular user by storing the public key in Database, and sends transactions for creating a wallet to the blockchain.

TransactionSync service keeps checking the status of pending transactions and updates them to success or failure. 100 percent sync is guaranteed for all transactions by TransactionSync service.

Transaction Flow:

High-level frontend to backend flow for a transaction:

Frontend: Transaction object is made on the frontend(Mobile applications) using Solana SDK, partially signed by user’s private key(Only known to the frontend), encoded, and sent to gari service.

Backend: Decodes transaction back to transaction object, validates the transaction, partially signs with Chingaris main wallet(Since Chingari is the fee payer), and sends it to the blockchain. TransactionSync service keeps checking the status of pending transactions and updates them to success or failure.

Transaction Backend flow chart:

Flow Between different Services:

Airdrop flow:

Airdrops are given to users by different services of Chingari for various modules. The rewards list is synced by the Gari sync service to its Database and then processed in a scalable asynchronous manner.

Using distributed transactions across multiple services using SQS and Sync service, Chingari is able to support stable wallet management and transactions for its users!

Check here for more details on the Gari token.

Tech for Empowering Chingari’s Video Content Creators with Blockchain was originally published in chingari on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Atomicity and Transactions

Riddhesh Ganatra

Feb 9, 2023

Atomicity and Transactions

Data corruption in case of system crashes, power failures, and other errors is a nightmare in real production systems with heavy traffic.

We will see how Atomicity and Transactions will solve this problem with the example below.

We will make a simple ticket booking system with a high chance of race conditions.

Requirements: Every day we have 2 tickets available and more than 2 users try to book tickets at the same time.

Version 1:'/v1/book-ticket', async (req, res) => {
try {
// count number of tickets already booked for that date
let ticketCount = await client.db("irctc-demo")
.countDocuments({ date: })

if (ticketCount > 2) {
return res.json({ message: `already full` })

// adding this line makes easy to test parallel requests
await wait(10000)

// book ticket for user
const result = await client.db("irctc-demo")
.insertOne({ email:, date: });

res.json({ id: result.insertedId })
} catch (error) {
res.json({ message: error.message })

If we don't have this 10-second wait time, the difference between the count query in DB and the insert query in DB will be a few milliseconds and for testing, we will have to hit the API within milliseconds for which we have to use load testing tools like JMeter, artillery, etc

So a 10-second wait time is added in the above code to make parallel request testing easy.


When different users hit version 1 API within 10 seconds for the same date, more than 2 tickets get created in this case.

Version 2:'/v2/book-ticket', async (req, res) => {
try {

// decrement number of available tickets for a particular date with condition
let ticketCount = await client.db("irctc-demo")
{ date:, count: { $lt: 3 } },
$inc: { count: 1 },

if (ticketCount.modifiedCount == 0) {
console.log(`request error`);
return res.json({ message: 'false' })

// fake code to simulate random power failure
let randomNumber = Math.random() * 2;
if (randomNumber < 1) {
throw new Error(`power failure`)

const result = await client.db("irctc-demo")
.insertOne({ email:, date: });
return res.json({ id: result.insertedId, message: 'success' })

} catch (error) {
res.json({ message: error.message })

In this method, we save the count of tickets for all dates in different collection ticketCountV2 and use the atomic operator $inc with the condition of $lt. This code will only book max 2 tickets for a particular date no matter how many users are trying to book simultaneously.

query 1: decrement available tickets for a day in ticketCountV2 collection

query 2: creating ticket in ticketsV2 collection

The problem with this is when our server restarts for some random reason like a power failure between 2 different queries, the system will allow the booking of fewer than 2 tickets which is also a problem.

Version 3:'/v3/book-ticket', async (req, res) => {
const session = client.startSession();
try {
const transactionOptions = {
readConcern: { level: 'snapshot' },
writeConcern: { w: 'majority' },
readPreference: 'primary'


// decrement number of available tickets for a particular date with condition
let ticketCount = await client.db("irctc-demo").collection("ticketCountV3")
{ date:, count: { $lt: 3 } },
$inc: { count: 1 },
}, {

if (ticketCount.modifiedCount == 0) {
return res.json({ message: 'false' })

// fake code to simulate random power failure
let randomNumber = Math.random() * 2;
if (randomNumber < 1) {
throw new Error(`some error`)

const result = await client.db("irctc-demo")
.insertOne({ email:, date: }, { session });

await session.commitTransaction();

return res.json({ id: result.insertedId, message: 'success' })

} catch (error) {
await session.abortTransaction();
res.json({ message: error.message })
} finally {
await session.endSession();

Database transactions to rescue: If there is a power failure after the first database query, the database will roll back changes automatically since the transaction will not be committed.

Happy path:

  • step 1: decrement available tickets for a day in the ticketCountV2 collection
  • step 2: Create a ticket in the ticketsV2 collection
  • step 3: commit the transaction

In case of power failure between 2 queries:

  • step 1: decrement available tickets for a day in the ticketCountV2 collection
  • step 2: Create a ticket in the ticketsV2 collection
  • power failure
  • DB will automatically rollback since there is no commit for the transaction

Source Code:

Share this with anybody you think would benefit from this. Have any suggestions or questions? Feel free to message me on LinkedIn.

We at Code B would be happy to help if you need help.

Node js Race Conditions

Riddhesh Ganatra

Jan 4, 2023

Node js Race Conditions

One of the basic concepts for node js developers is understanding race conditions. Let's make a simple API that registers users for a newsletter to understand race conditions. The only requirement is user should be able to register only once.

We will use Node js, Express js, and MongoDB for development.

Step 1: Install Mongo DB

We will use docker to start the local MongoDB instance.

docker run -p 27017:27017 --name newsletter -d mongo:latest

Note: Please map volume if you want to persist data.

Step 2: version 1 API that will return ‘success’ if it's a new email or error for already enrolled

function wait(timeout) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, timeout);
}'/v1/register', async (req, res) => {
try {
// find if user is already registered
let user = await client.db("newsletter").collection("usersV1").findOne({})

if (user) {
return res.json({ message: `user already registered` })

// adding this line makes easy to test parallel requests from same user
await wait(10000)

const result = await client.db("newsletter").collection("usersV1").insertOne({});

res.json({ message: `user registered successfully` })
} catch (error) {
res.json({ message: error.message })

step 3: test version 1 API with curl

curl --location --request POST 'localhost:3000/v1/register' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{


When we hit this request from multiple terminals at the same time, same user is registered twice.

step 4: version 2API that will return ‘success’ if it's a new email or ‘error: for already enrolled'/v2/register', async (req, res) => {
try {
const result = await client.db("newsletter").collection("usersV2").insertOne(req.body);
res.json({ message: `user registered successfully` })
} catch (error) {
res.json({ message: error.message })

step 5: create a unique index for email field when we connect to DB

client.connect().then(async () => {
console.log(`connected to DB`);
await client.db("newsletter").collection("usersV2").createIndex({ email: 1 }, { unique: true })
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`)

step 6: test v2 API

In the case of V2, never duplicate users will be registered, even when we get more than 1 request from the same user at the same time. We can also validate this using artillery or JMeter.

Complete code:

const express = require('express')
var bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');

// const uri = "mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<your-cluster-url>/test?retryWrites=true&w=majority";
const uri = "mongodb://localhost:27017/newsletter";

const client = new MongoClient(uri);

const app = express()
const port = 3000


app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.send('Hello World to Race Conditions')
})'/v1/register', async (req, res) => {
try {
// find if user is already registered
let user = await client.db("newsletter").collection("usersV1").findOne({})

if (user) {
return res.json({ message: `user already registered` })

// adding this line makes easy to test parallel requests from same user
await wait(10000)

const result = await client.db("newsletter").collection("usersV1").insertOne({});

res.json({ message: `user registered successfully` })
} catch (error) {
res.json({ message: error.message })
})'/v2/register', async (req, res) => {
try {
const result = await client.db("newsletter").collection("usersV2").insertOne({});
res.json({ message: `user registered successfully` })
} catch (error) {
res.json({ message: error.message })

function wait(timeout) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, timeout);

client.connect().then(async () => {
console.log(`connected to DB`);

await client.db("newsletter").collection("usersV2").createIndex({ email: 1 }, { unique: true })

app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`)

GitHub repo:

GitHub - riddheshganatra/nodejs-race-conditions

Share this with anybody you think would benefit from this. Have any suggestions or questions? Feel free to message me on LinkedIn

We at Code B are a team of Fullstack software developers, passionate and dedicated to growing businesses for clients.

We have experience in Web Applications(Frontend and Backend), Mobile Applications(Native and Hybrid), DevOps (AWS, GCP, Azure, Digital Ocean, and Heroku), Blockchain(Solana), and UI/UX Design(Figma).

Contact us if you need any help with Software.

Solana web3 js

Riddhesh Ganatra

Oct 18, 2021

Solana web3 js

Basic operations on Solana using web3 js.


var web3 = require('@solana/web3.js');
var splToken = require('@solana/spl-token');

Connection and generating keypairs:

const connection = new web3.Connection(
// generate keypair
var fromWallet = web3.Keypair.generate();
var toWallet = web3.Keypair.generate();

Get balance:

    console.log(await connection.getBalance(fromWallet.publicKey));
console.log(await connection.getBalance(toWallet.publicKey));
// add some initial balance. Not possible in production.
var fromAirdropSignature = await connection.requestAirdrop(
1000000000, // lambports
await connection.confirmTransaction(fromAirdropSignature);
console.log(await connection.getBalance(fromWallet.publicKey));


var transaction = new web3.Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: fromWallet.publicKey,
toPubkey: toWallet.publicKey,
lamports: 10000,
// Sign transaction, broadcast, and confirm
var signature = await web3.sendAndConfirmTransaction(
console.log('SIGNATURE', signature);
console.log(await connection.getBalance(fromWallet.publicKey));
console.log(await connection.getBalance(toWallet.publicKey));

Multi sign transaction(partialSign)

var feePayerWallet = web3.Keypair.generate();
var feePayerAirdropSignature = await connection.requestAirdrop(
1000000000, // lambports
await connection.confirmTransaction(feePayerAirdropSignature);
var fundedTransaction = new web3.Transaction({
feePayer: feePayerWallet.publicKey
fromPubkey: fromWallet.publicKey,
toPubkey: toWallet.publicKey,
lamports: 10000,
// partially sign transaction
let blockhashObj = await connection.getRecentBlockhash();
fundedTransaction.recentBlockhash = await blockhashObj.blockhash;
// encoding tranaction so that we can send it to backend
let endocdeTransction = fundedTransaction.serialize({
requireAllSignatures: false,
verifySignatures: false,
// can be transfered over API to backend if required
endocdeTransction = endocdeTransction.toJSON()
let transactionFromJson = web3.Transaction.from(endcodedTransction);
const wireTransaction = transactionFromJson.serialize();
const signature = await this.connection.sendRawTransaction(

Github repo:

Have any suggestions? Feel free to message me on LinkedIn.

We at Code B are a team of Fullstack software developers, passionate and dedicated to growing businesses for clients.

We have experience in Web Applications(Frontend and Backend), Mobile Applications(Native and Hybrid), DevOps (AWS, GCP, Azure, Digital Ocean, and Heroku), Blockchain(Solana), and UI/UX Design(Figma).

Contact us if you need any help with Software.

Promise vs Callback in javascript

Riddhesh Ganatra

Jun 5, 2021

Promise vs Callback in javascript

Promises and callbacks are very basic concepts and every javascript developer should know the difference.

Let's try to understand with a small example:

someWork() is a function that is going to take roughly around 2 seconds and we want to execute otherWork() function once someWork() is done. This can be achieved using a Callback or Promise.


Here we pass otherWork() function as an argument to someWork() function.

someWork() function will call otherWork() function after its work is done.


Here someWork() function return promise object which can be resolved(success) or rejected(error). We can call otherWork function in .then.

We at Code B are a team of Fullstack software developers, passionate and dedicated to growing businesses for clients.

We have experience in Web Applications(Frontend and Backend), Mobile Applications(Native and Hybrid), DevOps (AWS, GCP, Azure, Digital Ocean, and Heroku), Blockchain(Solana), and UI/UX Design(Figma).

Contact us if you need any help with Software.

Create AWS IoT Core Things using AWS SDK

Riddhesh Ganatra

Apr 14, 2021

Create AWS IoT Core Things using AWS SDK

AWS IoT Core is a highly scalable platform for IoT devices. I automated the creation of Certificates, Things, and Attaching policy using AWS SDK with the below steps.

Step 1:

I created an IAM user with programmatic access and attached the AWSIoTFullAccess policy.

Step 2:

We will need to create Security Policy that can be attached to Certificates created for every device.

I have made a policy so that, the device can only connect using its ThingName as clientId, can subscribe or publish to topics starting from its ThingName.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "iot:Connect",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"Bool": {
"iot:Connection.Thing.IsAttached": [
"ForAnyValue:StringEquals": {
"iot:ClientId": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "iot:Publish",
"Resource": "arn:aws:iot:ap-south-1:021265781496:topic/${iot:Connection.Thing.ThingName}/*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "iot:Subscribe",
"Resource": "arn:aws:iot:ap-south-1:021265781496:topicfilter/${iot:Connection.Thing.ThingName}/*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "iot:Receive",
"Resource": "arn:aws:iot:ap-south-1:021265781496:topic/${iot:Connection.Thing.ThingName}/*"

Step 3:

Code flow:

  • We create a certificate for the device using the createKeysAndCertificate method.
  • Attach policy to the certificate
  • Create AWS IoT Core Thing
  • Attach Certificate To Thing


The certificate which we just created is attached to Policy and Thing.

Output on the console:

Source Code:


Share this with anybody you think would benefit from this. Have any suggestions? Feel free to message me on LinkedIn.

We at Code B are a team of Fullstack software developers, passionate and dedicated to growing businesses for clients.

We have experience in Web Applications(Frontend and Backend), Mobile Applications(Native and Hybrid), DevOps (AWS, GCP, Azure, Digital Ocean, and Heroku), Blockchain(Solana), and UI/UX Design(Figma).

Contact us if you need any help with Software.

Scalable Cloud Stack for MVP

Riddhesh Ganatra

Apr 8, 2021

Scalable Cloud Stack for MVP

Scalable Cloud Stack for MVP

As Software Architect at Code B, Every month I work on a few MVP(Minimum Viable Product) applications using the MEAN/MERN stack and always want them to be ready for sudden traffic.

Below is the most common stack I use for scalable deployment.


The best practice is to not develop this part and use third-party services.

I stick with AWS Cognito or Google Firebase Authentication depending on the client's cloud preferences.


I prefer to go with managed services for databases and MongoDB Atlas is mostly what I use.

Firestore is also a good option if the frontend needs real-time data(Stock Price, Sports score, etc). AWS API Gateway is also a good option for sockets.


For scalable deployment of APIs, I think Google Cloud Run is best. We can scale down to 0 containers, so very cost-efficient and it's very easy to set up.

For CI/CD I use Google Cloud Build but am planning to test Github actions for this in the future.

Also, AWS Farget is a good option that I use with Github actions.


I use Netlify for deploying frontend applications. It's super easy to connect with git repo and set up CI/CD pipeline.

The cloud cost of MVP for the above stack is minimum:

Authentication: ~0$, Database: ~0$, API:~0$, Frontend:~0$

Hope this will be helpful!

Share this with anybody you think would benefit from this. Have any suggestions? Feel free to message me on LinkedIn.

We at Code B are a team of Fullstack software developers, passionate and dedicated to growing businesses for clients.

We have experience in Web Applications(Frontend and Backend), Mobile Applications(Native and Hybrid), DevOps (AWS, GCP, Azure, Digital Ocean, and Heroku), Blockchain(Solana), and UI/UX Design(Figma).

Contact us if you need any help with Software.

Tree-data with ag-grid Community

Riddhesh Ganatra

Apr 1, 2020

Tree-data with ag-grid Community

tree-data with ag-grid


ag-grid is a feature-rich library and I have used it on many projects. I was working on POC for 1 project and we needed to represent tree data inside the table.

tree-data can be easily achieved using enterprise edition, but since it was just a POC I tried to achieve it using community version with custom code.


Let's start with code:


We are loading ag-grid community library, font awesome and main js.

  1. columnDefs

We want to add onclick event of first column and are using cellRenderer property.

2) input data

rowdata is input data to ag-grid. Its recursive data with childrens array.

3) We need to add unique id in every record:

Simple recursive function to add customId key in every record.

4)Grid options

5) MedalCellRenderer

MedalCellRenderer takes care of adding click listener, add left padding depending on level(level will be calculated by our custom function explained below) and displaying a correct icon.

Here we can see we are using 3 custom keys from user data: expanded, level and customId.

When a particular node is clicked, we call updateData function and pass customId of clicked node

6) updateData()

updateData finds data recursively by customId and toggles expanded state of it.

Then we recreate rowDataExpanded using makeDataRecursive function.

7) recursiveFindById and makeDataResurcive

8) final step to setup grid

Wrapping up

Obviously ag-grid enterprise version has lots of complex features and totally worth it, I just wanted to share this alternative for a simple use case.

We at Code B are a team of Fullstack software developers, passionate and dedicated to growing businesses for clients.

We have experience in Web Applications(Frontend and Backend), Mobile Applications(Native and Hybrid), DevOps (AWS, GCP, Azure, Digital Ocean, and Heroku), Blockchain(Solana), and UI/UX Design(Figma).

Contact us if you need any help with Software.