Hire Top Microservices Developers in 2024

Build highly functional microservices architecture for your applications and programs with expert developers.

At Code B, we offer services for businesses to hire Microservices developers directly for their projects with little to no hassle

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you and hire microservices developers

Trusted by leading companies
At Code B we employ a comprehensive process of shortlisting and evaluating in order to connect you with the best microrservices developers which are ready to help you out on your projects.


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this is another project description this is another project description this is another project description this is another project description this is another project description this is another project description this is anothe...

FlutterPythonAngularAWSHTML 5CSS 3DjangoDockerC#.NET
Code B's lead backend programmer- Bhavesh Gawade

Bhavesh Gawade

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Bhavesh is a specialist systems engineer and devotes his time to backend projects, deployments, database & API management tasks at Code B Technologes...

FlutterAngularAWSCSS 3DjangoDynamoDBDockerC#.NETBootstrap
Dipak Dudhal - Front-end Engineer at Code B

Dipak Dudhal

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As a dedicated software developer, I am proficient in both front-end and back-end technologies. My commitment lies in delivering innovative solutions by utilizing modern JavaScript frameworks and deploying them on AWS and GCP....

C#MicroservicesSoftware Developers
How to Hire a Microservices Developer with Code B?
Discussing requirements
Discuss Your Requirements

Start with a detailed consultation where we understand your project’s specific needs, technical requirements, and desired skill set. This helps us identify the best candidates for your project.

Conducting an interview
Conduct an Interview

Interview potential candidates to assess their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit. This ensures they align perfectly with your project’s goals and team dynamics.

Free trial
Get a Free Trial for a Week

To ensure you are completely satisfied, we offer a free one-week trial with the selected developer. Evaluate their performance in real-world scenarios to ensure they meet your expectations.

Hire Developers Suited for Designing Solutions in Any Industry
Transport and Logistics
Travel App
Media and Entertainment

Developer selection and allocation process.

Phase 1: Project Confirmation and Requirements Gathering

  • Once the project details are confirmed, we begin gathering specific requirements and understanding the client’s objectives and goals.

Phase 2: Interview and Selection of Code B Developers

Step 1: Practical Test

  • Evaluate developers' past experiences relevant to the project requirements.
  • Developers are asked to solve queries and perform project-specific real-life simulations.

Step 2: Intellectual Test

  • Assess developers' communication skills and mental preparedness.
  • Developers are informed about the project terms, conditions, and time commitment needed.

Phase 3: Team Building and Allocation

  • After developers pass both the practical and intellectual tests, we confirm their availability and willingness to commit.
  • We then form a team that has all the necessary qualifications to execute the project with minimal hassle and complexities.

Phase 4: Project Kick-off and Onboarding

  • Ice breaking session with the assigned team and the client to establish communication channels.
  • Introduce the project management tools and processes.

Phase 5: Development and Regular Updates

  • The team begins work on the project, following agile development practices.
  • Provide regular progress updates and hold review meetings to ensure the project stays on track.

Visual Representation of a Team Working Under a Hiring Model

Mixed Team Model

Team Composition

  • Combination of internal and external developers, 2 senior developers, 1 supervisor.


  • Flexible team structure
  • Access to diverse skill sets
  • Cost-effective for complex projects

Code B Exclusive Team Model

Team Composition

  • 3 junior developers, 2 senior developers, 1 supervisor.


  • Dedicated and cohesive team
  • Direct communication with developers
  • High level of control over project development

External Team with Code B Supervision Model

Team Composition

Entirely external developers nurtured by Code B, 2 senior Code B developers for oversight.


  • Cost-effective for short-term projects
  • Access to a wide pool of external talent
  • Quality assurance with Code B supervision

Small Business Owner Model

Team Composition

  • Customizable based on project needs.


  • Tailored for passionate small business owners
  • Scalable solutions to match business growth
  • Personal consultation and support
Why Develop Microservices Architecture?
Microservices architecture breaks down applications into small, independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled individually. Here’s why this approach is advantageous:
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Easily scale individual services based on demand without affecting the entire application.
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Different teams can work on various services simultaneously, speeding up development and deployment.
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Isolate failures to prevent them from impacting the whole system, enhancing overall reliability.
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Technology Diversity
Choose the best technology stack for each service, optimizing performance and development efficiency.
Hire top Talent Easily and Quickly With Us
Custom Talent Matching
We start by understanding your project’s specific needs, including the technologies you use, your development goals, and the skills required. Our team then matches you with developers who have the expertise and experience relevant to your project.
Vetted Experts
Our thorough screening process ensures you get the best talent. We evaluate developers based on their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and experience in microservices architecture. This includes coding tests, technical interviews, and reviewing previous projects.
End-to-End Support
Our service doesn’t end once you hire a developer. We provide continuous support to ensure smooth collaboration. This includes project management assistance, performance tracking, and regular check-ins to keep your project on track.
Get the Best Microservices Developers Today with Code B
Hire skilled microservices developers for your business and leverage countless advantages of staff augmentation in microservices development for your project. Book a call with us Today!
Contact Us
How do you ensure the quality of the microservices developers you provide?

Can I interview the candidates before making a hiring decision?

What engagement models do you offer for hiring microservices developers?

How quickly can I hire a microservices developer through your service?

Do you offer any trial period to evaluate the developers?