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Crowdnautics/ Kowzha Case Study

We developed multiple mobile applications(BananaBucks, SurveyMagic, Surveyparty)for Crowdnautics.Users can earn money by attempting surveys on all applications.

Technology Stack

React Native

React Native

Node JS

Node JS

Nest JS

Nest JS

Mongo DB

Mongo DB

AWS Cognito

AWS Cognito

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda

AWS Cloudwatch

AWS Cloudwatch



The Client

Crowdnautics specialise in delivering high-quality surveys via its Android & ios apps to earn quick and easy cash rewards. Crowd Nautics innovative platform empowers users to gather valuable insights, enhance customer engagement, and drive informed decision-making.

With its user-friendly interface , it provides a number of various surveys along with fixed daily surveys through which the user can earn quick cash rewards.


The Problem


Crowdnautics-Kowzha wanted to create a platform where it would club various types of 3rd party surveys in a single one to go application. And along with daily polls to keep users engaged with the app. And allow users to earn quick cash rewards after the completion of the surveys.

The Solution


We addressed the requirements put forth and created a Survey application which brings various survey provider’s surveys in a single application. Using survey provider’s API or SDK to make surveys available to users, crowd nautics applications use webhooks/server-to-server calls to alert the application about the users survey completion & allowing users to encash rewards.
