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We developed an app used to add and view Books and to access some other information put by the author about the book like videos, images and pdfs.

Technology Stack

Next JS

Next JS

React JS

React JS

Node JS

Node JS

Nest JS

Nest JS



Mongo DB

Mongo DB



The Client

SeadNxt is a diverse and dynamic team of educators, tech experts, and innovators. We are passionate about education and committed to helping our students achieve their full potential. Our courses are designed by industry leaders and are tailored to meet the needs of learners at all levels, from beginners to advanced professionals.


The Problem


SeadNxt aimed to provide seamless access to educational resources stored within physical books. However, the traditional method of accessing these resources through scratch codes presented several challenges. Users faced difficulties in quickly accessing specific chapters, videos, notes, and assessments associated with each book, leading to frustration and inefficiency. Moreover, maintaining separate codebases for iOS and Android with React Native proved cumbersome and time-consuming for the development team.

The Solution


SeadNxt addressed the challenge of accessing educational resources stored in physical books by adopting Next.js TWA (Trusted Web Activity). This allowed for a single codebase, leveraging existing web development skills with React and JavaScript. Next.js TWA facilitated faster development and deployment cycles, enhancing user experience with features like automatic code splitting and built-in CSS support. Seamless web integration improved discoverability and accessibility, while reduced app size optimized performance. Users could easily scan QR codes to access specific chapters and resources, eliminating the need for manual entry of scratch codes. Overall, SEADNxt revolutionized access to educational content efficiently and cross-platform.
