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Ganesh NawghareSenior Software Engineerauthor linkedin

Building Desktop Applications Using Python: A Comprehensive Guide


What is a Desktop Application?

A desktop application is a software program that is installed and executed locally on a personal computer or workstation. Unlike web applications, which run within a web browser, desktop applications are designed to be run directly on the user's desktop environment, interacting with the operating system and other software installed on the computer.

Desktop applications can range from simple utilities to complex productivity tools and multimedia software. They typically provide a user interface through windows, buttons, menus, and other graphical elements, allowing users to interact with the application and perform various tasks.

Some examples of desktop applications that can be developed include word processors, spreadsheets, graphic design software, video editors, games, ERP systems, CRM apps, and email clients. These applications are installed on the user's computer, which means they can often run offline without requiring an internet connection, although some may also have online features or require internet access for certain functions.

How is a Desktop Application Developed?

Desktop application development refers to the process of creating software applications that are designed to run on desktop computers or workstations. This development process involves various stages, including planning, designing, programming, testing, and deployment of the application.

Here's an overview of the key aspects involved in desktop application development:

  1. Requirement Analysis: Understand the needs and requirements of the intended users or clients for the desktop application. This involves gathering information about features, functionalities, user interface preferences, and performance expectations.
  2. Design: Create the design architecture of the desktop application, including the user interface (UI) design, database schema (if applicable), and overall system architecture. This phase may involve creating wireframes, mockups, and prototypes to visualize the application's layout and behavior.
  3. Development: Write the code for the desktop application based on the design specifications. Developers, depending on the requirements and target platform, use programming languages such as C#, Java, or C++, however, the popular choices are Python and Node.js, read our comparison of Node.js and Python here. They implement features, integrate external libraries or frameworks, and ensure proper functionality and performance.
  4. Testing: Thoroughly test the desktop application to identify and fix any bugs, errors, or issues. Testing may include unit, integration, and system testing such as artillery testing in Node.js, and user acceptance testing to ensure the application meets quality standards and performs as expected across different environments.
  5. Deployment: Prepare the desktop application for deployment by packaging it into an installer or executable file that users can download and install on their computers. Deployment may involve creating installation wizards, configuring system requirements, and providing documentation or support resources for users.
  6. Maintenance and Updates: Provide ongoing maintenance and support for the desktop application after deployment. This includes addressing user feedback, fixing bugs or issues, adding new features or improvements, and releasing updates or patches to keep the application up-to-date and functional.

Desktop application development can vary in complexity and scope depending on the specific requirements of the project, such as the size of the application, target platform (Windows, macOS, Linux), and intended audience. It requires collaboration between designers, developers, testers, and other stakeholders to deliver a high-quality desktop application that meets the needs of its users.

Read more: How much does it cost to develop a Python app?

Differences Between Desktop, Mobile, and Web Apps


Desktop Apps

Mobile Apps

Web Apps


Windows, macOS, Linux

iOS, Android

Platform-independent, accessed via browsers

User Interface

Optimized for larger screens, keyboard, mice

Designed for smaller touch screens

Responsive design for various screen sizes

Development Approach

Typically developed using languages/frameworks for desktop platforms (e.g., Java, C#, Electron)

Developed with platform-specific languages/frameworks (e.g., Swift, Java, Kotlin) or cross-platform frameworks (e.g., React Native, Flutter)

Built using web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), web frameworks/libraries


Installed on user's computer via installer or executable file

Distributed through app stores, installed directly onto devices

Accessed via web browsers, hosted on web servers


Users download and install the application

Available for download from app stores

Accessed via URLs, no installation required


Updates distributed through software updates or manual downloads

Updates pushed through app store updates

Updates deployed on the server-side, instantly available to users

Getting Started

Before diving into code, it's essential to set up your development environment. This typically involves:

  • Installing Python: Before you can start coding in Python, you need to have Python installed on your system. You can download the latest version of Python from the official Python website. Follow the installation instructions provided for your operating system. After installing Python, you can check the version installed by opening a terminal or command prompt and typing

1 python --version            

This will display the installed Python version.

  • Creating a virtual environment: Virtual environments are used to isolate project dependencies, ensuring that they do not conflict with dependencies from other Python projects on your system. To create a virtual environment, follow these steps:
  1. Install virtualenv (optional): If you don't have virtualenv installed, you can install it using pip (Python's package manager) by running:

1pip install virtualenv

  1. Creating a Virtual Environment: Navigate to your project directory in the terminal or command prompt and run the following command to create a virtual environment:

1python -m venv myenv

Replace myenv with the name you want to give to your virtual environment.

  1. Activating the Virtual Environment: Depending on your operating system, the command to activate the virtual environment differs:

  • Windows:


  • macOS/Linux:

1source myenv/bin/activate

After activation, you should see the virtual environment name in your terminal or command prompt.

4. Deactivating the Virtual Environment: To deactivate the virtual environment, simply run:


  • Choosing a code editor or IDE: Selecting a code editor or integrated development environment (IDE) is a matter of personal preference. Some popular options include. PyCharm: A powerful IDE developed by JetBrains specifically for Python development. Choose the one that best fits your needs and preferences. Each of these editors/IDEs has its own set of features and advantages, so you may want to try a few to see which one you prefer. Visual Studio Code (VSCode): A lightweight but powerful code editor developed by Microsoft with excellent Python support through extensions. Sublime Text: A versatile text editor with rich plugin support for Python development. Atom: A hackable text editor developed by GitHub with extensive community support and plugins for Python development.
    Check out our comparison of IDEs for Python development to learn more about what is a more suitable pick.

GUI Libraries and Frameworks

Python offers various libraries and frameworks to construct the graphical user interface (GUI) of your desktop application. Here are some popular choices:


  • Tkinter:  Tkinter is the standard GUI library for Python. It is included with most Python installations, making it readily available for development without any additional installations.
    Features: Provides a basic set of GUI elements such as buttons, labels, text boxes, etc. Easy to learn and use, making it suitable for beginners. Suitable for simple GUI applications and prototypes.
    Example Use Case: Building simple desktop applications with basic user interfaces, such as calculators or small utilities.

  • PyQt: PyQt is a set of Python bindings for the Qt application framework. It provides a more comprehensive set of GUI components compared to Tkinter and offers a modern look and feel.
    Features: Offers a wide range of UI components and widgets for creating sophisticated user interfaces. Supports advanced features such as multimedia, networking, and 2D/3D graphics. Provides a seamless integration with Qt Designer for designing UIs visually.
    Example Use Case: Developing complex desktop applications with modern and visually appealing interfaces, such as productivity tools or multimedia applications.

  • Kivy: Kivy is an open-source Python framework for developing multi-touch applications. It is cross-platform and allows building applications that run on desktops, mobile devices (iOS/Android), and even web browsers.
    Features: Cross-platform support enables development for various devices and platforms. Uses its own custom language (Kv language) for defining user interfaces, which simplifies the development process. Supports multitouch input and gestures, making it suitable for touch-enabled devices.
    Example Use Case: Creating applications that need to run on multiple platforms, such as mobile games, interactive kiosks, or touch-enabled interfaces for IoT devices.

Choosing the Right Framework:

  • Considerations:

    Complexity: Tkinter is the simplest to get started with, while PyQt and Kivy offer more advanced features but may have steeper learning curves.

    Platform: Consider the platforms your application needs to support (desktop, mobile, web) when choosing between Tkinter, PyQt, and Kivy.

    Requirements: Assess your application's requirements in terms of UI complexity, performance, and deployment targets.

  • Recommendation:

    If you're a beginner or need to build simple desktop applications, start with Tkinter.
    For more complex desktop applications with modern interfaces, PyQt is a great choice.
    If you require cross-platform support or plan to develop applications for mobile devices, consider using Kivy.

Ultimately, the choice depends on your specific project requirements, familiarity with each framework, and the desired user experience. It's often helpful to experiment with each framework to see which one best suits your needs.

Building Your Application

Once you've chosen your GUI library, the development process involves:

  • Designing the User Interface (UI): Plan the layout of your application's windows, buttons, menus, and other elements. Consider the user experience and how users will interact with your software.
  • Writing Python Code: Use the chosen library's functions to create the UI elements and define their behavior. You'll handle user interactions, data processing, and any other functionalities specific to your application. To learn more about the benefits of Python code, check out our full comparison of Python and JavaScript.
  • Creating Executables: When your application is complete, use tools like PyInstaller or cx_Freeze to package your Python code and libraries into standalone executables. This allows users to run your application without needing Python installed on their machines.

How to Create a Desktop Application with Python

Creating a desktop application with Python can be accomplished using various frameworks and libraries. One popular framework for building desktop applications with Python is PyQt, which allows developers to create cross-platform GUI applications. Another option is Tkinter, which is included with Python and provides a simple way to create graphical user interfaces. Here's a basic guide on how to create a desktop application using Tkinter:

  1. Install Python: If you haven't already, download and install Python from the official website. Make sure to add Python to your system PATH during installation.
  2. Create a New Python Script: Open your preferred code editor and create a new Python script with a .py extension. This script will contain the code for your desktop application.
  3. Import Tkinter: Tkinter is included with Python, so you don't need to install anything extra. Import it into your Python script:

1import tkinter as tk

4. Create a Main Application Window: Create an instance of the Tk class, which represents the main application window:

1root = tk.Tk() root.title("My Desktop Application")

  1. Add Widgets: Add widgets such as labels, buttons, and entry fields to the main application window using Tkinter's various widget classes. Here's an example of creating a label and a button:

1label = tk.Label(root, text="Hello, World!") label.pack()  button = tk.Button(root, text="Click Me", command=lambda: print("Button clicked!")) button.pack()

6. Run the Application: Start the Tkinter event loop to display the main application window and handle user interactions:


  1. Run Your Script: Save your Python script and run it using the Python interpreter:


Your desktop application window should appear with the label and button you created. You can further customize and extend your application by adding more widgets, implementing event handlers for user interactions, and organizing your code into classes and functions.

Remember that Tkinter provides basic GUI capabilities, so for more complex applications or richer user interfaces, you may want to consider using other libraries or frameworks such as PyQt or Kivy. These frameworks offer more advanced features and support for building modern desktop applications with Python.

Learning Resources

Here are some resources to get you started with building desktop applications using Python:


Many online tutorials guide you through creating simple applications with Tkinter, PyQt, or Kivy. We at Code B have published tutorials to guide you such as:


The official documentation of each GUI library provides detailed information on available functions, classes, and examples. Such documentation is available on:


Several books cover Python desktop application development, offering in-depth explanations and project ideas.


Python's versatility and rich ecosystem of libraries make it an excellent choice for building desktop applications. With dedication and the right tools, you can turn your ideas into functional and user-friendly software. So, start exploring Python's GUI development capabilities and bring your desktop application dreams to life!